Fourth Joint Conference on
Occupational Safety and Health
September 14 - 16, 2005
Orlando, Florida
2005 Conference Topics
Topic I: Global Management of Chemicals
Chair US: Jennifer C. Silk, Deputy Director of Standards and Guidance, OSHA
Co-chair EU:Reiner Arndt, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Germany
Scribe EU: Janet Asherson, Head of Environmental Affairs, UK
Scribe US: T.J. Lentz, Research Industrial Hygienist, NIOSH
Subtopic A:
Pilot Project Results
- What lessons can be learned from the pilot project? Were US and EU results similar? Are there opportunities for further cooperation in these areas?
Subtopic B:
GHS Implementation
- What is the current status of implementation of the GHS in the US and the EU? What issues regarding implementation have been identified? Are there opportunities for collaboration between the US and EU regarding implementation in the workplace?
Subtopic C:
Control Banding
- Is control banding being used in your country? What has been the experience of small businesses applying control banding? Are the control banding approaches mandatory or voluntary? What further developments are needed to improve the control banding concept? What can be done to improve the application to mixtures?
Subtopic D:
Accuracy of Safety Data Sheets
- What approaches are used in your country to ensure the accuracy of the information on safety data sheets? What other ideas could be explored to address this issue?
Subtopic E:
Other Discussion Points
- What activities are ongoing regarding nanotechnology? Has any action been taken to address occupational safety and health concerns? What plans do you have for future activities?
- What else can we do or should we do to manage the hazards of chemicals?