Fourth Joint Conference on
Occupational Safety and Health
September 14 - 16, 2005
Orlando, Florida

2005 Conference Topics

Topic V

Special Topic: Bilateral Cooperation: OSHA - Ireland VPP Pilot Project

Chair EU: Tom Beegan, CEO, Health and Safety Authority (HSA), Ireland


Co-chair US: R. Davis Layne, Executive Director, Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association (VPPPA)

Subtopic A:
Description of the VPP Pilot Project

  • What is the US Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) and why is Ireland interested in developing VPP in Ireland? What implementation strategies are being employed by the US and Ireland for the VPP Pilot Project? What role have labor and management played in the implementation of the pilot?

Subtopic B:
VPP Pilot Project Issues

  • What were some major issues/barriers surrounding pilot development? How were issues/barriers resolved? What are some of the US VPP program areas that were modified or tailored to meet the needs of Ireland?

Subtopic C:
VPP Pilot Project Successes

  • What are the successes of the pilot? How will the pilot successes be shared or communicated? Can VPP Ireland Pilot serve as a model for EU for recognizing workplace safety and health excellence?

    NOTE: Thursday, September 15, 12:00 p.m.-4 p.m., VPP Workgroup to conduct a site visit at a healthcare facility.